Contentbox headline

Coffee House Bullshit

All the rest is just coffee house bullshit.

Guild fundada em 09/11/2022 por Pirocadecatinko.

Membros da guild
Rank Nome e nickFragsEntrada
Marksman (711) [75] {13} Royal Paladin
Pirocadecatinko (440) [36] {4} Elite Knight
09/11/2022 21:39:51
09/11/2022 21:26:06
Dark Igor (231) [11] {1} Lord Drunou
Lord Stumpf (198) [1] {1} Lord Drunou
Sanduicheiche (199) [1] {0} Champion Knocker
09/11/2022 21:31:36
09/11/2022 21:43:05
09/11/2022 21:31:44
Soca fofo
Ze Da Pisadinha (432) [37] {6} Master Infernalist
Nuxoa (223) [15] {1} Royal Paladin
09/15/2022 09:18:04
09/11/2022 21:33:19
Total de membros: [7/0]
Total de frags e mortes: [0/0] (incluindo ex-membros)

Personagens convidados

Monster of the Week Monster Pedestal and Players Online Box
Players Online