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Informações do Personagem - Servidor Perseus - RadBR
Vocação:Diabolic Master Infernalist
Magic Level:185
Último login:02/04/2025 01:56
Criação:02/29/2016 23:16
Vida: 882606/885440
Stamina: 43h/42h
Exp próximo level:Restam 18.610.715 de experiência para o level 2220.
Avançar idade:Restam 10 horas para avançar idade.
Tempo online total:16761h 46m
Tempo online hoje:0h 4m
Exp obtida hoje:0
Level ML Fist Club Sword Axe Dist Def Fish
2219 185 40 26 28 17 19 33 10
Demon Helmet
Pits of Inferno
Labirinto Quest
Warlock Quest
Dwarf Secret Quest
Dwarf Secret
King Boots
Garath Secret
Moonglade Secret
King Helmet
Annihilator Secret
Force Quest
Ferumbras Tower Secret Quest
Dragon Quest 2
Inquisition Quest
Huskar Quest
Necromancer Quest
King Shield Quest
Demon Oak Quest
Fury Quest
King Armor
King Legs
Teste de Fogo
Napolli Quest
Familia Chorster Quest
Rei Titanio Quest 1
Tanaris Ring
Labirinto dos Lagartos
Tartarugas Supremas
Magic Crystal Key
Cyclops Southshire
Santuario de Hades
Labirinto da Medusa
Corpo de Emily Topson [Dark Forest]
Permissao para viajar [Garath]
Castelo do Rei Garath [Garath]
Tumba do Escorpião [Tanaris]
Dragon Circle [Dragon World]
Chakal chest [Tanaris]
Annihilator 3 [Everfrost]
Constantine's Soul [Hell]

Backpack Tourist
Allowance Collector
Beautiful Agony
My God is the Sun
Defiance of the Underworld
God of War
Welcome to the Black Parade
Pele Grossa
Gigante e Blindado
Death from Below
Back from the 6th Hell
Rocket in Pocket
Marujo Revolts
Inimigo de Zanknore
Cursed Tamer
O Apostador
Numero da Besta
Vassalagem Energética
Santa's Lil' Helper
Resistência Nicolariana
X-Mas Resistance
Hippity Hoppity Help
Judas' Holy Fool
Easter Egg Devourer
Astral Manipulator
The Forest Savior
Ender of the End
Períto da Máquina de Summon
Espírito Junino
Destruidor de Embrulhos
Silver Hair, Golden Heart
Maldição do Pérola Negra
Holy BBQ
A hora do pesadelo
Defroster Whitaker
Sugar Rush
Do You Want to Build a Snowman?
Don't Eat the Yellow Snow
Tamer of the North Wind
2022 Blessings
Crystal Lake Survivor
Steam Team
Golden Rush
Midas Touch
Vida, Universo, e Tudo Mais
Hippity Hoppity Hex
Gotta Go Fast
Tamer of Proud Rainbows
Finders Keepers
Tamer of the Fiery Treat
Unimind Trifecta
REM? More like RIP
I dream of Kittie
Sleigh Ride
21st Century Sleazoid Snowmen
Read Between the Lines
Choo Choo Tour
Festive Nighthavian
Wislander Partier
Tanarian Celebration!
Three-Ravened Party
Party of Fourteen (Years)
Rockin' Raccoon
Hare to The Chief
Do Lixo ao Luxo
Flower Power
Groomage Junedream
A Romancist's Delight
Joust What I Needed
Watching the Puzzle
Riding the Lament
Weaving the Hellcry
One Who Has Ridden
Angels to some, Demons to others
Beholding the Cenothreads
Trick 'n' Treatin'
Horror Season Marathon
Nobrainer Runaround
Foocheerballin' for Croatia!
Foocheerballin' for Spain!
Foocheerballin' for the Netherlands!
Foocheerballin' for Argentina!
Foocheerballin' for Japan!
Foocheerballin' for South Korea!
Foocheerballin' for France!
Foocheerballin' for Switzerland!
Foocheerballin' for England!
Gluing Goal!
Sticky Fingers
Jog of the Dead
Blaming Blue With Booze
Rolling Red With Hooch
Glowing Green With Drinks
Designated Driver
Torcedor Raiz (FWC2022)
Whoah Lucky Bettie (Bam-ba-lam)
Elf's Swifthands
Tusk Season Greetings
Wolly Jolly!
Beast Wishes!
Trunk Full of Presents
Remembering the King
A Prosperous New Year
A Donut Hole
A Knives Hard Mystery
Hot Lead
A Glass Reveillon
The Blame of the Game (FWC2022)
2023 Vision
Nesting for Prosperity (NYE)
Save the Date! (RadFolia 15 Anos)
Correio Elegante (RadFolia 15 Anos)
Bunny Hunter (Easter 2023)
Caroverse Enforcer
Hoppin' Steamroller
Warlike Nightmares
A Haunting Commences!
Friday The Thirscream
Inspecting the (Hostile) Witnesses
Wannabes Gonna Be Gone
Murder in the Weens

01/31/2025 01:20 Morto no level 2224 e reset 157 por Thunder Draptor.
01/28/2025 02:05 Morto no level 2242 e reset 157 por Thunder Draptor.
01/24/2025 00:14 Morto no level 2245 e reset 157 por Thunder Draptor.
01/22/2025 03:40 Morto no level 2270 e reset 157 por Thunder Draptor.
01/13/2025 14:31 Morto no level 2269 e reset 157 por Thunder Draptor.
01/09/2025 21:24 Morto no level 2297 e reset 157 por Thunder Draptor.
01/02/2025 16:00 Morto no level 2311 e reset 157 por Thunder Draptor.
01/02/2025 01:32 Morto no level 2347 e reset 157 por Thunder Draptor.
12/27/2024 20:39 Morto no level 2374 e reset 157 por Anubis, maior dano Chakal.
informações da Conta
Criação:02/29/2016 23:12
Status da Conta:VIP

1. Yone (2219) [157] {135}Diabolic Master InfernalistOnline

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